Successful healthcare software testing practices lead to better medical outcomes

Medical team in action

New healthcare software applications built on every conceivable platform are flooding the medical tech market. Most are designed to address three basic needs: greater efficiency, improved patient care and lower cost of services.

The race to bring new products to the marketplace has had some alarming side effects: breached patient security, product failures largely due to an inability to operate over multiple platforms, and difficulty with user experience. work. In “Healthcare Software Testing Strategies,” a new white paper from XBOSoft, experts with the software testing and consulting firm discuss this rapidly evolving healthcare software landscape. They offer testing and quality-assurance tactics and strategies that address the full range of healthcare software testing challenges, from s0ftware that manages electronic health records to mobile apps that monitor patients’ vitals to medical software solutions designing to make pharmacies more efficient and effective at filling and tracking patient medications.

“Our team has deep healthcare software domain testing and QA experience because of longtime clients like Mobile MedSoft,” CEO Philip Lew said. “The material for this white paper was gathered from the real-life problems encountered by our testers, and the solutions they developed over time to ensure that a new medical software product will perform as advertised.  With healthcare software, you can’t make mistakes. There are lives and personal medical data at stake.”

Questions about healthcare software testing? Visit Telehealth Booth 1317

XBOSoft executives will be at booth 1317 at Telehealth 2.0

The issues addressed in the white paper are certain to be the subject of discussion and debate at Telehealth 2.0, a  major healthcare technology trade show. XBOSoft executives Ed Curran and Stephen Gohres will be at the show from April 23-25 at Booth 1317 ready to share their knowledge of best practices for healthcare software testing. If you’re at the show, please stop by the booth and learn about the very latest healthcare software testing innovations.








